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For me the common language of humanity is art.


My art is dedicated to Earth and the unfolding of our creative potential as unified humanity. My work emerges from an intimate relationship with nature. I want to offer a narrative that moves with and past individuality - into a state of miraculous inter-being.


In the last seven years I have had the gift to study and work with different indigenous communities, in India, México, the Andes and the Amazon. The experiences that I made deeply connected my creative work with the strong impulse to engage in environmental activism. Currently I am working on a series of paintings, which will be auctioned for a reforestation project in Acre, Brasil. 




Selected Projects


2021 - 2022   Inturcultural exchange with the Huni Kuin people, Caucho, Brasil

2021                  Co-Founding Honor Life, association for the promotion of a peace culture and 

                               sustainability, Germany

2021                    Co-Director of the annual gathering of Mujer Canal de Luz, Brasil

2021                    Art residency, Espacio Tierra, Spain

2020                   Course on colour studies and meditation at Licán Academy, Chile, Brasil

2020                    Co-Founding of Biocenosis, project of syntropic agroforestry and social &

                               environmental regeneration, Morelos, México

2019                    Events & retreats with the collective of ancestral medicine & culture,

                               Tlalli Iyollo, México

2019                   Voodoohop music tour Gama y Meru, México, Germany, Holland, Greece

2019                   Event series Litakamé, México

2018                    Workshop and art circles: Los 7 pilares de la serpiente, México, Germany

2016 - 2018     Curation at the intercultural center Chimalma, México

Since 2015       Hosting meditation retreats in Europe





© 2023 Stella Ismene


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